We have been teaching her sign language and she has been picking it up really well. I can't believe how much she uses her signs for "eat" and "more" and "all done". It has really helped us to avoid some melt downs and to figure out what she needs much more quickly. She loves being able to communicate with us too. There has been numerous times that she has given me the sign for "eat" in times I would have never guessed she was hungry, and if she wasn't able to communicate it to me, and had to cry until I guessed, I might have just written it off as teething. I also can't believe how easy it is for her to pick it up and for her to use it. You don't need to spend lots of money on dvds or anything either, just buy a baby signs book, and show her how to use the signs, over and over until she gets it. The first one took a couple of months (she was just under a year old by the time it clicked), but once she learned one, the others were much quicker to pick up.
It just amazes me what little sponges they are! One of her favorite things to do now is read books. Whether she brings them to me or sits on her own and "reads" them herself. The other day, she sneaked out of the living room when I wasn't looking. I finally found her in her room. She had climbed up into the glider, grabbed a book off of the night stand, and was pretending to read it. It melted my heart. She's becoming so independent! I can't wait to take her to the library some day. I have the fondest memories of my mom taking us.

Her and her little cousin are so much fun together!

Sharing a book.

My friend Anna, along with her little boy met us up at the mall for some shopping/walking/eating/exploring. Here they are playing on some of the little coin operated rides.

Sitting in the backseat of the ice cream truck.

Learning how to drive from BBZ.

Uh oh! Looks like she's about to wreck... BBZ is jumping ship!

Not so impressed with the jeep I see...

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Saturday is my birthday... again. Didn't I just have a birthday? It sure feels like it. Although last year for my birthday I had a baby with severe acid reflux and a night out, painting the town, just wasn't an option. This year, however, I am looking forward to some fun! Me and some girlfriends are meeting up for a sushi dinner, then we are all going to head back to my house, joined by the boys, for a little house party.
But before that happens, I am really looking forward to seeing all of the family for Thanksgiving. My family gathering is on Thursday, and we will be seeing Joe's family on Friday.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I didn't know about the change in plans. Does this mean that B taking the boys over to your house is out of the question?
What great photos! I love the looks on their faces! That was a fun day. I wish I could celebrate your birthday with you :( I'll be there in spirit!
She is getting big, and oh so cute!!
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