My sister did an ABC Dr. Suess theme for the party. It was so cute and they did a really good job.
Here were some of the decorations...

My niece Aubrey trying out Q's new drum.
Look at the birthday girl watching her, wearing her pink tutu. So cute!
Look at the birthday girl watching her, wearing her pink tutu. So cute!

The Munchkin is trying out Q's new chair that my mom and I bought for her.

Q got so many new toys for her birthday!

The munchkin is making sure that no presents were missed in the bags.

The biggest hit of all the presents? The little ball pit. The munchkin played in it forever. It was really hard to get her out of it. She had so much fun playing with her little cousins in it.

Here she is with cousin Alex.

Their hair got so much static in it...

Q eating her birthday cake. She just kept eating it and shoveling it in her mouth. Her eyes glazed over and almost looked like she was going into a sugar coma... It was hilarious!

My other niece Aubrey playing in the ball pit. She's so stinkin' cute!

The party was alot of fun. Especially for the munchkin. You could really tell she was having a blast. Now Q is officially one year as well. It's awesome that they are only 6 weeks apart. It's crazy how different they are from each other too. Q has WAY more teeth and is much better at eating more different types of foods. Ayla is ahead physically, but alot can happen in 6 weeks! Their temperaments are very different as well, although they are becoming less and less polar opposites. Q used to be on the very extremely laid back, go with the flow end of the spectrum, while Ayla was much more set in her ways and stuck to her schedule. They both seem to be moving more towards the middle lately though.
We tried to put Ayla down for her 2nd nap of the day over at my sister's during the party, but she wanted nothing to do with it. I was afraid she was going to be really crabby at the other birthday party that we had to go to that evening, but she did surprisingly well. She had started skipping her 2nd nap on other days too and would be more fussy in the evening. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to try taking away her 2nd nap completely and moving her to one longer nap in the middle of the day. It's been going really really good and I am loving having a much larger window in the morning to do stuff with her without having to give her a nap at 10am!
I am working on Halloween pics next!
Aw, so cute! I remember my nephew's first birthday party. After so much cake, it was like he was in a sugar coma too, lol.
What a cute birthday....all the girls look adorable! :)
The munchkin is getting SO big! I need to come see her!
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