I have always been in love with little owls.There's something about them, I just find them to be endearing and lovable. So for her first birthday party we are doing an owl theme. I figure, before she gets old enough and starts asking for her own favorite characters, I better get my owl fix out of the way while she is still oblivious. Off I went searching for owl supplies. Turns out, I am not the only one semi-obsessed with owls, and finding stuff was actually pretty easy. I was extra tickled when I found items designed specifically for a one year old's party!

So then I thought, wouldn't it be cute to find a little dress for her with an owl on it? Well, I didn't think I would find one with a little owl that looked just like the one we were already using (only a little more cute and crafty looking), but I sure did! I am pretty sure this lady designed this dress just for the munchkin to wear at her party!

I can not wait to get her into this little dress!
My amazingly talented (and I am not exaggerating here at all) friend Sarah, that made my hubby's cake for his 30th birthday party, is also going to make the cake for the munchkin's party. She is going to do a 3D cake with the little owl. I know whatever she comes up with will be incredible!
While I was searching for the munchkin's outfit, I came across this wrap skirt and I immediately fell in love. Not only would it be really

There is also something about having a piece of clothing that is handmade by a real person and that is unique and one of a kind. I don't often fork over the extra money for something like this. But for the times that I have, I still own, wear and love each and every one of these items. This really talented seamstress in upstate NY made it. I wish I could sew like this. I also wish I could have bought more of her stuff... but I'll have to wait till more funds come in...
Now I need to start working on the menu. We are having the party in the evening, mostly because of the munchkin's strict schedule (her idea, not mine). She takes a nap from 10:00 to between 11:30 or 12 and then another nap from 2:00 to 3:30 or 4. Then she is awake and bright eyed-pretty much until 8:00 when she goes to bed. So I figure if we start the party at 4:00 she should be good to go for several hours. Because of the start time, people will most likely be hungry for some dinner. So we'll be serving up some bbq (crossing my fingers that my grill master dad will step in here with his Big Green Egg, he's always looking for an excuse to use it). The cake is taken care of, so I just need to worry about some sides and a couple appetizers.
So I have been thinking about favors. I am wondering really if I should bother with them or not. It's a party for a one year old, do people really need favors? I know they are cute and fun, and under different (more financially fluid) circumstances, I would love to have them, but they can get pretty costly. Obviously when she is older, I will make one for all the kids at her party, but I am trying to decide whether to make them for this party. Whenever I throw a shower for someone, I usually make chocolate chip cookies and put some in little baggies for each person. I could always do that. I have a little number one shaped cookie cutter, maybe I will just make some sugar cookies with icing on them and put those in baggies for everyone. Any thoughts? Any super cheap ideas?
Before you think that I am maybe putting too much into this little party for a one year old's birthday, let me just say.... you are probably right. Let me also say, that until I became pregnant, one of my most favorite things in the world to do was host a party. I just love planning parties. We would have several big parties every year. We had a huge annual Halloween party that we spent weeks preparing for, a christmas party, and birthday parties for ourselves or one of my sisters. We hosted my mom's 50th birthday party and really anything else we could use as an excuse.... a spring fling party... whatever. It's been over two years since we have had a real party at our house and I am extremely excited about it!
I've been so bad with blogs lately! How is it possible that she is going to a year old soon?! And I love the owl theme. Too cute!!
I love that sweet baby owl dress! I think you're right in planning the entire party around that color scheme and theme!
And that wrap skirt is adorable!
That pink owl dress is precious and you should def. get the wrap skirt, mama got to match too! : )
Okay, I love every aspect of the party!!! I am glad someone loves to plan parties, cause I sure don't! I am using Emma's one year old birthday as an excuse to do a VERY laid back job-as in bbq and a cake. :D I think cookie "favors" would be radical! I may steal that idea too! I am only having about 20 people in all, so that would be easy! Thanks for sharing, and I need some munchkin pics too!
laura, it is brooke's friend and you blog-stalker. email me at julielynnlay@gmail.com. I have a favor idea.
I think if we had a more party-friendly house (and if Logan was a girl, not gonna lie) that I'd have gone a little nuttier over birthdays too! I hope I can make it to her party because it's going to be so cute!
You know I'm all about the details and crazy party planning too! It just makes everything so fun! Take it as far as you want! You'll always remember what a fun and cute first birthday she had and you'll have all the memories and pics to share with her when she's older. She'll definitely appreciate it. Ada loves looking at her pics from her first birthday (butterfly party) and her second birthday (ladybug party) and now she has been having a blast helping plan her third birthday (Tom and Jerry party!) It makes it that much more fun for me that she enjoys it so much and is so darn excited. Enjoy!!!!!
So I just stumbled across you blog while searching for 1st birthday owl ideas. Great minds think a like!!
Hello - i just came across your blog when searching for 1st b-day owl ideas too. can you please tell me where you found that adorable dress??? i need to have that for my daugther's party!!
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