Here was are just arriving at the Pumpkin Patch,
waiting for Stacy, her hubs Allen and Grayson.

They had a whole bunch of sugar free jellies and apple butter. And no fake sugar crap either... just sweetened with grape juice. We bought a blackberry and an apple butter. And they are delicious! I can't help it... I get excited about silly things like that...
and airflow every where we went, so it was great.

Is it just me, or is this guy checking out my rack?

This is near the entrance to the hay maze. Joe had to stay behind,

After the maze, they had a petting zoo area. The little baby animals were so cute.

They had little tractors for the kids to ride on.
The pink one was a little big for the munchkin, but it was so cute.
The pink one was a little big for the munchkin, but it was so cute.

I think her favorite part of all was the corn boxes.
Both of the kids loved playing in these.
Both of the kids loved playing in these.

I want to get one of these at home! It was so much better then a sandbox!

Swinging on the giant tire swings.

Joe taking the munchkin down the giant slide with him.

She got a kick out of it!

She really did seem to have a good time. I can't believe how big she is getting and how much fun she has been having exploring the world around her.
So I really did upload these Friday night and start on this... I just didn't have a chance to finish until this morning. This has been a very long and crazy weekend. Saturday was an all day, all night bachelorette party. I am going to upload those pics tonight and tell you all about it. Let's just say I have never seen so much puke in my entire life.
I was so tired and miserable on Sunday that Joe took me out for some "retail therapy" and bought me two pairs of shoes! I sure do love that man.... he knew just what I needed!
I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!
How cute! Your little pumpkin with pumpkins, lol!
Sounds like we both had bachelor and bachelorette party madness going on this weekend!
Okay so I know which one this is:) But I have a question, did it cost to get in? Because I took some kids there once a field trip and I remember paying!
Love this post! We went to that patch last year and loved it (L and I rode the train together too) but this year we are trying a different one. I'll let you know if we like it.
Now hurry up with that bachelorette party sounds juicy and you know I love juicy stories! :) :) :)
What a fun time...I love the cornbox too, what a cute idea instead of sand.
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