Here she is the morning of her birthday. We were heading out to get supplies for her upcoming party. Yes, she still loves to carry around that silly fork.
My mom and I got her a little chair. She loves it.
I think her cousin loves it even more though.
Friday night my sister and her hubby came over to help us get ready for the party. They thought I was silly to hang so much crap from the ceiling, but I thought it turned out pretty good.
I made favors for all the little kids that came.
I made the munchkin a photo album filled with pictures from her first year, starting with her birth in the hospital. I left space at the end to add the pics from her party, and I am going to put a pic of her with her cake and 1 year candle in the front window of the book. I filled in the lines next to the pictures with the date the pic was taken and a little note about it. She didn't care too much about it when I gave it to her, but I think she will like it when she gets older. I am going to give her one each year.
Over all the party went great. She was a little crabby, because ofcourse, she chose this day to forgo her afternoon nap. Her dress ended up being a little too big for her too, and she would have a hard time standing up sometimes because it would get caught under her knees or feet. It was kinda funny, even if she didn't think so.
She is all ready to start opening some presents!
Ofcourse, the other kiddos wanted to help too.
My friend Anna took her son to Build a Bear and they made the munchkin a little owl. He is so freakin cute. And his name is Owlsley Houdini.
I made her little cake myself. And I gotta admit, it was really good. Even if it wasn't loaded with sugar.
This is as bad as it got. I really expected her to fling cake everywhere.
And here's the big cake for everyone else. Sarah did an amazing job as usual!

A couple of her friends that came to her party.
Hanging out with Grandpa!
Everything turned out so great and we had so much fun! We had a pretty big crowd, but luckily the weather was beautiful so we set up tables in the garage and back deck for seating. She really got some great gifts and has been enjoying playing with them since her party. It took me all day Sunday to get the house back to normal, but it wasn't too bad.
I just can't believe she's officially a toddler now. I miss my little baby, but I am definitely having lots of fun with her in this next stage!
Great photos! Where did you get the toadstool buckets? I want one for G's room!
Turned out great...I love that cake too, is Munchkins name.
Looked like she loved her cake:)
Yay! Happy Birthday, little lady!
Love it! Everything looks amazing! She looks absolutely precious, as usual! Glad y'all had a blast, and I know it's sad that our little babies are getting so grown up! I still remember reading about A being born!!
Happy Birthday to your baby girl!
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