Wednesday, May 30, 2012

35 Week Ultrasound and Our Memorial Day Weekend

This morning we had our final ultrasound. I will be 35 weeks along tomorrow. 35 WEEKS! Holy Crap! Little Peanut is gonna be here sooooooo soon. We took the munchkin with us so she could get a little peek of her baby sister as well. She was so excited and was so good the whole time we were there. 

Everything went really well at the ultrasound. I am measuring right on schedule, all of our fluids are looking great.... the tech kept saying, “your fluids are looking so good!” Once in the regular room with our nurse practitioner, she repeated this excitedly as well. So apparently my fluids are looking really good... and it’s even something to be pretty excited about. Too bad I am not entirely sure why that is so exciting.

Baby girl is LOW. Like so low, the tech asked if I had been in alot of pain in my pelvic area. I actually have been pretty uncomfortable the past week, so I guess this helps explain that. Apparently her head is so far down she might be trying to escape already. Her little fist was also down there covering up her face as well, so under these circumstances we couldn’t even get a little peek of her. Nothin! The tech kept having me roll over and she kept wiggling my belly around trying to get her to move, but she wasn’t having any of it. I guess she wants to be a total surprise as far as what she is going to look like. At one point towards the end I was about to sit up and she started kicking and squirming and moving around alot, so the tech tried to take another look. After one more attempt, she says, “Looks like she somehow managed to move down even more, this baby isn’t giving us anything!”  Although we were very happy and thankful that everything else was looking so great, we were a little bummed to not even get a peek of little baby girl’s face.

This is what we did come away with. The first picture is of her arm. The second picture.... well I am not so sure to be honest. I think it might be her arm with her hand covering her face. It just looks all blobby to me.

We did come away with something I thought was very positive. The munchkin’s head had measured in the 90th percentile right before she was born. She definitely had a big noggin! But this little peanut’s head is in the 70th percentile. So I am hoping that this means labor might be a tad bit easier with a smaller head to squeeze out. One can hope at least! Right?

* * * *

This past weekend was Memorial Weekend. Normally, this would mean camping, going off to the lake or fun BBQ’s at friends’ houses. This year, we had nothing planned. Both of my sister’s went camping and took all their little kiddos with them. I camped before during my first pregnancy and I vowed to never do it again.  Plus the temps were in the high 90’s, so I had no interest in spending much time sitting outside in the heat at this stage in my pregnancy. It actually ended up being a really nice and relaxing weekend, with us not really making any plans and just hanging out. 

We spent Saturday morning hanging around the house. We baked some cookies and Joe and I both took a nap when the munchkin did. Afterwards we went to my parents house for dinner and my mom had a little pool set up for the munchkin to play in.  Sunday morning, I had a photoshoot at the house. We had set the studio up the night before, so I pretty much woke up that morning, ate some breakfast and my clients arrived for their session. They also happened to be friends of ours, so afterwards her little girl (only a few months younger then mine) played with the munchkin for a while before they left. After the munchkin’s nap, we headed out to run some errands and grabbed some dinner.  That evening we just hung out around the house and watched a movie. 

Monday, I pretty much slept in until noon. We had been up for quite a while during the night with a weird random puking at 1:00am by the munchkin. It was everywhere. We gave her a bath and had to wash all of her sheets and wipe down her headboard and everything. It was so gross and I felt so bad for her. This left her very upset and she couldn’t get back to sleep until around 4:00am. I still have no idea why she puked. She didn’t have a fever and has been totally fine ever since. It’s only the 2nd time she has really puked since she was a baby and had all her reflux issues, so the whole thing was really strange. I also had braxton hicks contractions all night long, so I didn’t actual start getting any real sleep until about 5 or 6am.  I finally rolled out of bed and Joe made breakfast for me and lunch for him and the munchkin. He whipped up some scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese and bacon. It was soo good! 

During the munchkin’s nap, I made an apple crisp to take to my parents house with us. We were heading to their house for dinner again. I felt so lucky that my parents made dinner for us two evenings over the weekend. This was really awesome, especially since I was having braxton hicks contractions ALL WEEKEND LONG. My mom had set up another, somewhat deeper pool (about 2 feet, lol) so I dug up a maternity suit and plopped myself down into the pool. It felt pretty good being somewhat weightless while sitting there. And afterwards my pelvic area felt alot better too for a while. Sitting around and relaxing was exactly what I needed, cuz dealing with those contractions was pretty exhausting in itself. I had planned on finishing up the little peanut’s nursery, but that obviously never happened. I am really glad we hadn’t made any real plans and attempted to really go anywhere. It was also really nice getting in some extra time with my parents as well. I love that we live less then a mile from them now.

* * * *

I was supposed to be done taking pictures until after my maternity leave and things settled down with the new baby’s arrival, but it looks like I will have one more shoot still this Saturday evening. When I got a message from a family I had taken pictures for in the fall, asking if I could possibly have another session with them before my baby comes, I just couldn’t say no. I had so much fun with them and their two little girls and knew that it would be a really fun shoot. So I will be lugging this big ole belly out once more out for an outdoor shoot. Hopefully it won’t be too hot. I am actually planning on having my husband and the munchkin go with me so they can hang out at the playground while we are taking pictures at the old farmhouse. This park is about 40 minutes from my house and with all these crazy contractions I have been having, it’s probably better to play it safe just incase. 

This is my 5th family to hire me again for a second session since I launched my photography business in the fall. I think that is so awesome and makes me feel really good!

* * * *

So we are counting down the days, I feel like we are in that final stretch and she will be here so soon. I can not wait to meet her and love on her and introduce her to her big sister! I am also really looking forward to no longer being pregnant. It’s kinda bittersweet too... we are not planning on having any more children, so these last few weeks may be the last time I will ever feel a little baby growing inside of me. As uncomfortable as I am, I am also trying to remember that, and relish in the joy of it all as much as I can.


  1. Is it typical there to have an u/s at this point? Here it's generally only standard to have the 18-22 week ultrasound unless there are any issues - so I'm just curious?

    I'm 36 weeks today. Dun dun dun!!

  2. I didn't have another ultrasound after 19 weeks either.

    I can't believe she didn't cooperate! Little stinker. We'll just have to wait to see her in person! She will be here so soon!

  3. Her arm is adorable!! I know that is silly, but it is!! I can't wait to see how cute her face will be. Congrats on the repeat customers, btw!

  4. In the states, it all depends on what kind of insurance you have, what they will cover and what your doctor wants to do. We happen to have crazy amazing maternity coverage, which we are very grateful for, and it pretty much covers and pays for anything and everything imaginable. I have heard alot of people say they only get one ultrasound though, so it really varies depending on the person's situation.

    Jackie, I think her arm is adorable too! lol I can't wait to cuddle on it! And thank you in reference to the repeat customers, it really is very exciting!

  5. Where have you been, I am in withdrawals. I look forward to your blogs and you have disappeared


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