Thursday, May 10, 2012

32 Weeks!! Other Updates and Finally, Some Belly Pics

I am officially 32 weeks along in my pregnancy as of today. Wow! I can't believe how close it is getting. I only have about 8 weeks left. I know it's going to go by so fast and be here before I know it... that's how this whole pregnancy has already been so far. 

All things considered, I am still feeling pretty good. I definitely have been having a few issues though. This pelvic pain thing (symphysis pubis disfunction) is a total bitch. I have been to a chiropractor twice, I just started going this past weekend, it seems it might be helping a little bit, but it's really too early to tell. He confirmed that I was definitely suffering from SPD and that he was sure it would clear up right after the baby was born. It was worse with this pregnancy because I already have had a baby and there wasn't as much support down below because of that. He also told me that although we could relieve some of my symptoms, they probably couldn't be alleviated completely until after I deliver.  I do some stretches that he showed me right when I wake up in the morning and that definitely helps me to get out of bed and move around with less discomfort. I have still been trying to walk at least a mile or two on the evenings I don't have a photo shoot and that really seems to help a lot. I am so grateful that the weather has been so nice.

I have been getting the worst leg cramps in the middle of the night, mostly in my right calf but a little in my left too. They actually get really bad early in the morning around 5 or 6 am. I woke up yesterday morning and it was the worst one yet. I was actually yelling out and crying really hard. It was awful! I knew it was a deficiency of some kind, as your body can leach things from places and use up a lot of your reserves to help with growing a baby, but I just wasn't sure what the problem was. I had the same issue while pregnant before, but this seemed much worse. I talked to a chiropractor friend who is sure that it is a magnesium deficiency. He recommended a supplement for it.  I started doing some research on that particular one and I am actually really excited to start using it. I have been reading a lot about magnesium lately anyway and how so many people are deficient in it and how many problems it can cause. I ordered it on Amazon and it should be arriving today. I can't wait to start using it and get some relief from these cramps! I really hope it helps.

Between the leg cramps, having to get up to pee every one to two hours and the little peanut moving around like crazy and waking me up all the time as well, I haven't really been getting very good sleep. I keep telling myself it is all to help me to prepare for her arrival. Since most likely, sleep will be even less then. Ahhh the joys of pregnancy....

So other then those things, I have actually been feeling really pretty amazing. I still have roughly 8 weeks or so left, so I know it's mostly likely down hill from here, but each day brings me closer to meeting this new baby girl and I am so excited about that! The munchkin has been talking about her a lot more too. She now refers to the nursery as the baby's room (calling her by her name) and she is constantly hugging and kissing my belly and talking to her. She will even tickle her... it's so funny! I tell her what a good big sister she is going to be and what an important job she will have. I am sure there will be some initial jealousy and I can't help but be a bit worried about that, but I am hopeful she will do okay.

Oh how I love this little girl. It's hard to imagine I am going to have to share all this love with another baby girl. I guess you just have more love to spread around. Cuz I definitely couldn't ever love her any less!

She really is growing into such a sweet and wonderful little person.  She has more and more personality every day and continually amazes me with all of her antics and views of the world. I think what I love most about her is how sweet and loving she is. I am excited to see what a loving big sis she will be!

My weight gain has completely stopped in the last few weeks. I think I have actually been losing some regular weight and gaining baby, so it has been averaging out. My pants have actually been fitting looser, while my shirts around my belly area have been getting tighter. I haven't been trying to, but once I realized this was happening, I have noticed a few things I have been doing differently. I haven't been eating as much honey or syrup in my baked goods (I have been using more stevia as my sweetener) and I have been snacking less in the evening before I go to bed. Nothing I was doing on purpose, but now that I can tell that is what was making me gain more weight then I had hoped, I will probably try to stick with it some. I am definitely still eating plenty of food and this baby is getting lots of nourishment! I just know how hard it was gaining so much weight the first time around and how much easier it would have been to deliver if I hadn't gained so much. I'll do anything to make labor easier!

This belly sure is getting big though huh?

So it feels like I am in the final stretch! I have picked up a few more things for the nursery, but we are waiting for Joe to start his school break before we really get in there and start hanging stuff on the wall and putting everything together. His finals are next week and then we can start getting some things done. I am so excited to finish things up in there and have everything all ready!

My friend Anna and my sis Amy are having a "Sprinkle" for me in a few weeks. We are going out to dinner with some of my girlfriends and really just have a night out. I am really looking forward to it!! It will be nice to have a girls night out before I become a temporary hermit for a while.

It's hard to believe I am going to have a newborn in the house again really really soon. I am excited for sure, but I am not gonna lie, I am also freaking out just a little!!


  1. You look fabulous girl, and yes the belly has def. popped.

    I hope the Munchkin does well with the transition but I'm sure she will.

  2. I'm having major issues with PSD, too. Although, amazingly and thnakfully, it has eased up quite a bit over the past 2 weeks. Not sure why, other than I have been consciously watching my movements and being a little more careful. At one point, I wasn't sure how I'd survive 2 more months. I hope you get some relief, too. You are looking so fabulous, woman! Race ya to the finish line?

  3. I'm having major issues with PSD, too. Although, amazingly and thnakfully, it has eased up quite a bit over the past 2 weeks. Not sure why, other than I have been consciously watching my movements and being a little more careful. At one point, I wasn't sure how I'd survive 2 more months. I hope you get some relief, too. You are looking so fabulous, woman! Race ya to the finish line?


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